Week 22a: The Container

The world of Design Thinking tells us that design is an intentional composition. An important aspect of Design Thinking is the boundary or limit that is placed on a design. These limits create a type of container from which to create the design.

As I take more and more of a clear-eyed design approach to where I am going in my life- working with my Definite Purpose and choosing how to spend my time- I have been feeling a need for a container for myself. Just as a cocoon offers a transformative vessel or an alchemist needs an enclosed space to turn metal to gold, I need a space for my own transformation and alchemy that is happening.

While asking in my meditations for my own, personal structure- I remembered. I already have this space. It came to me many years ago and I named it my crystal cathedral. I had not thought about it in a number of years, but I realize that I still have been using it- just not consciously. Now it is conscious. I have set it up so that it feels as real to me as existing architecture. This cathedral is just the frequency I need. It is a place I can step into at any time.

To make it tangible for myself I used the rug in my living room. I wrote out 11 post-it notes with words that I wanted this space to be. Then I laid them out in all directions.

North: Love, Northeast: Truth, East: Shimmering, Southeast: Light, South: Safety, Southwest: Unchanging, West: Silence, Northwest: Peace

and also… Below: Timeless, Above: Whole, Beyond (upwards): “Holy Instant” (from A Course in Miracles)

Then I stood in the center of the space and felt into the frequency and vibration for an hour or so. It was profound.

Here is some of what I have heard that I have when I go to this space: “A hallowed haven of a home”; a place where all false humility and false pride is swept away; a place where memory of God is restored; a place where I listen, follow, and create; a place where I express my gratitude; a place where the finite and infinite are coordinated (MK 1.23); sacred, harmonious (and therefore having mental efficiency ) (MK 1.18); a channel for giving and receiving; a place of “conscious cooperation” (MK 1.33); momentum; a weaving

Here is what I hear I will get out of the space: I will hear the “role for me alone”; insights; instructions; I will crystalize thought and desire into actions, events, and conditions; abundance, wisdom, and freedom (MK 1.43); thought concentrated on a greater purpose becomes power (MK Part 2 intro); subconscious mind directed; an in-tune string.

So if you ever can’t find me, I will be in my cathedral. Just leave me a message and I’ll get back to you!

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